Terms and Conditions
This Agreement represents the terms & Conditions covering all Services offered by Mindfulness4Dogs Limited* trading as Mindfulpaws Doggy Daycare (“Mindfulpaws”). This Agreement is entered into by and between the dog owner ( “Owner”) and Mindfulpaws.
- YOU (OWNER) – represent that you are the legal Owner of the above-named dog(s) and you assume all risks, dangers, and responsibility for injuries to the named dog(s). The Owner understands and agrees that the Owner is solely responsible for any harm while the Owner’s dog(s) is/are using Mindfulpaws and its services offered.
- CUSTOMER and dog DETAILS – Mindfulpaws operates a digital database of customer and dog details which is accessible and used by Mindfulpaws. As part of this Agreement, you agree that your and your dog’s details are accessible to and may be used by staff for the purpose of providing services when dealing with Mindfulpaws.

- PHOTO and VIDEO RELEASE – We love to post pictures and videos on Facebook, Instagram, our website, and/or in advertising material. The Owner agrees to allow Mindfulpaws to use the Owner’s dog’s name and any images or likeness of the Owner’s dog taken while they are using Mindfulpaws facilities. Photos and Videos can be in any form, used at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials without compensation, and the Owner releases to Mindfulpaws all rights that the Owner may possess or claim to such image, likeness, recording, etc.
- MEDICAL CONDITIONS – The Owner must advise Mindfulpaws of any medical conditions or temperament issues appertaining to their dog prior to entering the facility. The Owner authorises Mindfulpaws or the insurer full access to the dog’s Veterinary/medical records if required.
- FLEA, TICK and WORM FREE – All dogs must be treated for fleas, ticks and worms prior to visiting Mindfulpaws. If fleas, ticks or worms are present on the dog, Mindfulpaws reserves the right to treat the dog and charge for the service.
- VACCINATIONS – The Owner must provide documentation that all vaccinations are current according to Veterinarian requirements (including Lepto’, Kennel Cough (12 months), and 5 in 1/DHPPI for Dogs, and annual standard feline vaccinations for Cats. However, it must be understood even though all guests at Mindfulpaws are vaccinated, this may not fully protect your dog. Your vet will advise further.
- VET CARE and LIABILITY – The Owner agrees that if the dog becomes ill or injured or displays any signs of behaviour that would reasonably suggest, in the opinion of Mindfulpaws, requires medical attention, Mindfulpaws is authorised to engage a Veterinarian (the Owner’s Vet will be engaged if possible) and administer medicine as directed by the same. The Owner agrees to be fully responsible for the cost of any vet bills and for the cost of any transportation for the purposes of such treatment. All reasonable efforts will be made to contact the Owner prior to engaging a Veterinarian at the same time as prioritising the welfare of the dog. All costs incurred are to be paid by the Owner upon pick up.
- GROUP PLAY – The Owner understands that Mindfulpaws operates a communal interactive group play environment and accepts the positive benefits and potential risks involved:
8.1 All dogs must pass a general behaviour assessment by attendance at a trial session, undertaken by Mindfulpaws in order to assess the Owner’s dog(s) suitability for Mindfulpaws’ social environment.
8.2 No dog may be admitted to group play who shows any signs of any type of aggression. The owner fully understands and agrees that in admitting the Owner’s dog(s) to Mindfulpaws, the Owner is representing to Mindfulpaws that Owner’s dog(s) is/are in good health and have not harmed, shown aggression, or exhibited any threatening behaviour towards any person or other dogs. Any dog demonstrating aggression or other behaviour deemed unacceptable by Mindfulpaws staff may be required to leave the daycare.
8.3 Mindfulpaws is bound by the Dog Control Act & the Animal Welfare Act, and any such actions, situations, incidents or events occurring with my dog may require Mindfulpaws’ attention to these Acts or anything associated and forthcoming.
8.4 Mindfulpaws has the right to refuse a dog at any time with no warning for any of Mindfulpaws services.
- RELEASE OF LIABILITY – The Owner understands and agrees that during normal dog play, Owner’s dog(s) may sustain injuries. Dog play is carefully monitored at all times by Mindfulpaws staff, but injuries may occur despite the supervision provided. The Owner fully understands and agrees that neither Mindfulpaws nor any of its employees, staff, or volunteers will be liable for any illness, injury, death, and/or escape of Owner’s dog(s) provided that reasonable care and precautions are followed, and the Owner hereby releases Mindfulpaws staff or volunteers of any liability of any kind whatsoever arising from or as the result of the Owner’s dog(s) attending Mindfulpaws.
- PERSONAL PROPERTY – The Owner understands that the Owner is solely responsible for any harm, including to any other dog(s), to employees or invitees of Mindfulpaws, or to the equipment, facilities, or other property of Mindfulpaws, caused by the Owner’s dog(s). The Owner also agrees that Mindfulpaws shall not be responsible or liable for any lost or damaged personal property belonging either to the Owner or the Owner’s dog.
- DAYCARE – Mindfulpaws’s operating hours are 7am – 6pm, and accept all costs associated with anything undue outside of these timings. Drop off time is between 7am and 9am and pick up time is between 3.30pm and 6pm. We are closed on public holidays and our closedown periods as per the Mindfulpaws calendar.
- MEDICATION and SPECIAL NEEDS – The Owner agrees that it is the Owners responsibility to provide adequate supply of medication and any other special items for the Owner’s dog(s) for the entire duration the Owner’s dog(s) are cared for by Mindfulpaws. Should the medication or special items need replacement, the Owner authorises Mindfulpaws to purchase replacements and will pay the costs plus $25 administration fee, per occurrence.
- AGREEMENT TERM – Once signed, this Agreement is valid for all subsequent visits to a Mindfulpaws location for any services requested. However, the terms and conditions of this contract are subject to change without notice. It is recommended the Owner update themselves on each visit or via our website.
- ACCOUNTS and PAYMENTS – All services are provided to the Owner based on a booking system. An Owner’s account provides details of all services booked and provided and the Owner agrees to pay all costs and charges for the services provided, either in advance or at the time of drop off or pick up of their dog. Failure to pay may result in a late fee applied immediately and weekly equal to the value of 1% of the amount owing. Refunds will not be given for any daycare packages purchased. 14.1 Daycare Cancellations – Daycare bookings must be cancelled no later than 6.00pm the day before. If the daycare booking is cancelled after this time the standard daycare rate will apply. Daycare no shows will be charged at the standard daycare rate. 14.2 Daycare Late Pick Up – All dogs must be picked up by the standard closing time ( 6.00pm). Mindfulpaws reserve the right to charge a late fee of $10 per 15 minutes (or part thereof) for late pickups. Any dog not picked up 30 minutes after standard closing time will be put in emergency boarding for that night at the Owner’s expense at a fee of $50, subject to space being available. Mindfulpaws does not operate boarding facilities currently and so Mindfulpaws reserves the right to seek alternative accommodation for the dog at the Owner’s expense.
- Other Costs – The Owner agrees to pay all costs and charges for special services requested and Veterinary costs incurred for the dog during their stay.
- Payment – Accepted methods of payment are MasterCard, VISA, EFTPOS using the online STRIPE payment gateway. Bank transfers are by prior arrangement only.
Legal Entity Information*
Legal name: Mindfulness4Dogs Limited
Address: 295 Skinner Road, Stratford, Taranaki 4393
Company #: 8355469